Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"MARCH"ing on towards another month and blogging

hey there.
HEY THERE OUT THERE>>>>>are you there? I kinda don't mind that i don't have 5,235 bloggers reading me. I have God to blog to. (and cathy)

God blog...God you amaze me. You amaze me how you love me. Me broken and a sinner. Sin is not of YOU, it is not from you and you dispise it. It is no fun. Fun is loving and being with you. You complete me. Me, a follower of God who desperately wants to be CRAZY IN LOVE with YOU. You are CRAZY IN LOVE with me, amazing. Amazing Love, how sweet it is...YOUR love for me. Me, it is NOT ABOUT ME..it is about YOU. You gave me this day, what do you want me to do with it? It is a day that i continue to say....everyday is a blessing, every moment a gift. Gift from God....to Betsy Love God. God you are so many unbelievable words, moments to many, Glory...you ARE...GRACE, PEACE, LOVE, JOY, MERCY, DEFEATER of EVIL, UNCONDITIONAL. Unconditional love to me a sinner who is in love with the FORGIVER. Forgiver, i thank you for this day. Day full of grace. Grace is covering me this day.

Okay. did you notice that each sentence started with the word before? that was hard. thought-provoking.

March is here..do you hear it....marching in like a lion to bring the lamb in april...The Lamb of God. Easter is approaching...God's love in full color.

hugs....go hug your kids and your hubby. IMPORTANT.

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