Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my brother's birthday...

Today is my big brother, Jim's birthday! He is very special to me. He has always been an inspiration. Since our parents have passed away; he has been there.

He calls. He always answers my sports injury questions and "eating" right questions. He is a trainer, author, and entrepreneaur. He checks up on my girls. He gives my girls a hard time (teases them). Molly calls him "Uncle J". I love that. I wish we were all closer. He ask about Brian's bank. He calls!

Even though when we were little he shot me in the butt with his bb gun...i still love him. Even though he teased me til i cried...I still love him. Even though he hit me...i still love him. He is an amazing, devoted, fun dad and husband. He has two great girls...Ryann and Sydney. He has an amazing wife, Becki. He is very blessed.

So happy birthday brother Jim. I still love you. from Tizzy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You asked if I was reading your blog...didn't know you had started posting now I will check in on you. Happy Easter!