Monday, March 30, 2009

A new week, a new day to start something...

I guess because i only have a couple readers I can open my heart safely and know there will be no judgment. If there is judgment -- that is sad to me. I am a semi-normal woman who is very hard on herself. It makes me sad, because I know that is not from God or of God. I struggle, struggle with my weight. I am at a point of unhappiness and want quick results. But i was listening to Charles Stanley yesterday and wish i would have taken notes. I think i remember it talking about "focus" what i focus on is where my heart is. My obedience to God should be my focus, not food. So I ask you in your spare time to pray for a God focus for me. That i worship Him and not food. That I turn to Him in my time of need and "full"filment. I am tired of the struggle and all the commercials for Jenny Craig. That is not learning to eat what is around me. I find the Biggest Loser encouraging and frustrating. I see people at church who have successfully lost weight. I sadly/sinfully covent. I know it is hard. But Christ went through so much more, so much more suffering for me!!! So i should quit my whining.

Today I am going to start spring cleaning in more ways than one! I figure spring cleaning will keep my house clean and keep me busy! So thanks for reading my blog and praying for my challenge. your prayer request?

I wish i could remember more what Charles Stanley said. I will check his website. We are doing an Andy Stanley on God's Will.

Have a God-filled day full of obedience and blessings. I will try the same!

Rejoicing and Singing to His glory!


~Trina~ said...

I too struggle with my weight and the more I focus on it or even trying to lose, the more discouraged I seem to get.

I've recently read, "Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss" by Kara Davis, MD. It's not about some hokey formulas or secrets. To me it was a real balance between great spiritual foundational teaching as well as health and nutrition. The foundational teachings were things that can change the rest of my life not just my weight loss struggles.

I'm not going to say that I've made drastic changes in my life, but I am on the road and am going to go back and read through my prayer journal entries while I read the book to cement in some of the thoughts she left with me. Link to her website and the book

Was going to start another book by Elliott Young, "Kiss Dieting Goodbye" Embracing a Whole New Way to Lose Weight, but...
I also decided I'd read it while relaxing in a bubble bath and I dropped it in the I have to wait for it to dry. lol

I'm praying for you in this battle.

Dawn Cartwright said...

You hit my heart-I will pray for you. I also know that we are bombarded by what we "should" look like. If you are healthy (praise the Lord!), active, and your clothes fit, my opinion is that you are the right weight FOR YOU- no one else- just you. My size 00 daughter thinks she is fat...where did that come from? We need to know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and other than being gluttonous (I was today, couldn't shove enough chocolate in)we are the way God made us. So sorry for sounding preachy- I hope to encourage..Love you friend.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I struggle with the same thing. Just got a frustrating phone call and the first thing I want to do is pour a diet coke and get a piece of chocolate.

I'm going to read Breaking Free again; I was breaking free from something else last time around; it might be good this time for food/weight issues!

By the way, I think you look AMAZING and I have actually coveted YOU and your fitness and body and beauty!