Sunday, April 18, 2010

5 weeks from now.

Five weeks from now, our youngest will have graduated and the open house will be over. But this is not the end...this is a new beginning for her and for us. We are leaning on Christ promises, especially Jeremiah 29:11. I recently wrote that verse out from The Message version and found it very enlightening: "...I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.""When you call on me, when you come and pray to me. I'll listen.""When you come looking from me, you'll find me.""Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." GOD's DECREE. (Jer. 29:11-14)

Powerful. What a reminder of God's promise to never leave us. He won't leave Molly just because she is graduating from high school. He won't abandon me when she goes off to Southeastern in August. We will both be hanging on to every word from this verse. To find love, comfort, hope and someone to run to when we are lonely.
I thank God that He knows better than me what Molly needs. I thank God that He will be joining her on that campus. Walking with her to her first class, just like I took her to class her first day in first grade. He will hold her hand, He held her hand back then too.

He is her faithful Father in Heaven and on Earth. He is mine too.

So as I ponder and prepare for the weeks ahead. I know He is catching every tear, calming every frantic moment, and caring for both of us as we enter a new journey...but not new to God.

So pray for Molly. Pray for her walk with Jesus. That it continues to grow deeper and she leans on His words for wisdom. Molly is a wonderful woman, full of God's grace, compassion, love, and joy. She will give God all the glory, as we will this next journey.

(i still am sad, but Jesus knows that...He is not surprised, nor disappointed. Just holding me tightly for now.)

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