Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hey there blog buddies,
My computer is going in to get "debugged". Have you "debugged" yet? I know I am always in need of spyware check. I am glad though that i have the opportunity to read my bible everyday. Keep it open on my kitchen table. Go to my church and "hang out" with my buddies there. Wow, what a blessing we have to be able to worship as we do. But do we take advantage of it? I need to do it more.
We are doing a new series at our church called "IMAGINE....A fully devoted life". It is a nine week study on looking at our talents, testimonies, treasures, and time (with God). A real heart changing time. I like to imagine a 'fully devoted life' to Christ.. How I would worry less, tell more people about my Jesus, spend time in His Word more, just a 'ton' of things i want to take 'advantage' of more. Oh and setting a good example for our girls! that is such a GREAT advantage of being able to share my faith with Megan and Molly. It is very cool how we share cd's and iPod songs....my new love..Jimmy Needham. Check out this guy and his songs. Very neat and thanks to Molly a cd always in my car! Listen to the song "hurricane" (no pun there, since Ike is out there somewhere...pray for those in his path). Anyway the song is soooo me. It talks/sings about "i need you like a hurricane, crashing down my walls...." okay so the words are not right on....but i do need God to crash down a few walls of mine. But go listen to him...you can on iTunes for free!
Okay so my computer is going to be gone and i am just getting into this whole blogging thing. sorta. And "poof" my computer has to go to the "virus" doctor. So maybe i will work on a few of my own "virus'" while it is gone. Sound good? Sounds good to me. So anyway I hope this finds you smiling and serving ! And spreading some good cheer today. Hey do a random of acts of kindness today....well i am off (and way late) to ride my 12 miles or more and than run my 3 miles! My second Tri is coming up in October and I need to train, train, train! Until later...
Still praying, pedaling, paddling, and pounding the pavement

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