I wish i was doing a cheer...two bits, four bits, let's all cheer for the Hall girls...or something like that. Instead it is the count down til the girls leave home! I am truly excited for them. (really) They are achieving so much and God has been instrumental in it all. That is what I want people to see...God's hands!
His hands....found Megan a beautiful apartment, she moves in on August 14th. Yes, I know she was gone all last year...but "her stuff" was still in her room. This year it all goes with her...(right, megs! Ha!!!)It will be weird.
His hands....have provided Molly with a great university to attend (Christian)...Southeastern University. One week from today she will begin (in) her first class. Wow!
His hands....will move both girls in safely.
His hands....will protect them day after day, hour after hour, minute by minute!
His hands....will orchestrate wonderful stories that they will call (!!!!!) me and tell me each day!
His hands....will call them to His word each day in prayer and in study, to remind them of wisdom, discernment, grace, mercy, protection, unconditional love, encouragement...everything a Father desires to give to HIS daughters.
His hands....will bring them home for "visits" and "hugs". And a washer and a dryer and "their" beds still in "their" rooms.
His hands...will catch my tears, when they fall on quiet days wondering through the house. (me and ruth (the dog),until i find a job)
His hands....will hold my hands as I pray for them each day....in their rooms....anywhere and everywhere!
His hands...will bring us back together for a family dinner and laughter.
His hands...are amazing, aren't they? (YES!)